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Our 3 highlights of Bits & Pretzels 2023

27.09.2023 by Aufmaster

From September 24 to 26, 2023, our annual startup class reunion took place in Munich, the renowned Bits & Pretzels Founders Festival. Over the years, this event has become a fixed annual highlight in our calendar.

Tilo Bonow's presentation on "How to build connections and drive growth: Storytelling Strategies for Tech Innovations!" was extremely insightful and inspired us to further optimize storytelling in our marketing activities. Bonow mentioned concrete strategies and techniques for effective storytelling in the technology industry and underlined how important it is to create an emotional connection to the end customer in order to sustainably convey the values of a technology innovation.

Like every year: the Start-up Pitches! They are an inexhaustible source of inspiration and learning. These presentations are characterized by innovative ideas, the passion of the founders, broad industry diversity and a look into the future. Continuous improvement and creative innovation in a competitive environment make them particularly compelling. They offer not only the opportunity to learn from the experiences of others, but also to network and discover new perspectives.

The interview with Michelle Obama on the Bits & Pretzels stage was undoubtedly one of the unforgettable highlights of the event. Her inspiring words, especially her advice to "Put your life on your calendar first!", left a deep impression. This simple yet powerful message reminds us of the importance of prioritizing our lives and reserving time for the things we care about most, but most importantly, not forgetting ourselves. It is a reminder that professional success is not everything, but that our personal goals and happiness are also of utmost importance.

We return with a wealth of inspiration, new contacts and valuable insights. Especially the third day, the so-called "Liquid Networking" at the Oktoberfest, was absolutely enriching and brought us important contacts for the international rollout of Aufmaster.

Bits & Pretzels not only offers first-class talks and workshops, but also the opportunity to feel the passion and ambition of entrepreneurs from all over the world.

We are already looking forward to Bits & Pretzels 2024 and are excited for the 11th episode of the festival. We have already secured our tickets.


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